Headshot Enrico Welder
My motivation is continuously improving my clients’ automation and infrastructure stack.

Hi, I am Enrico Welder, DevOps Engineer and owner of Kontinum Tech.

I can help transition your organization to automated workflows using cloud-native technologies.

Check out the services and technologies below, and find out more about my background on my resume.

Unfortunately, I am currently unavailable for new consulting engagements. But let's make sure to keep in touch!

My Services

  • Abstract picture with CI/CD Pipelines

    CI/CD Pipelines

    Implementing CI/CD pipelines, on-premise or in the cloud, using any combination of Gitlab CI, Jenkins, Azure DevOps, Argo CD etc.

  • Dolphine with containers and steer

    Containerization of Workloads

    Containerization of workloads offers enormous gains in productivity, scalability and time to market. I can help set up containerized applications or transition existing applications to containers.

  • futuristic datacenter

    Infrastructure Automation

    Network, compute, storage – what used to be highly specialized, rigid blocks in our IT landscape have become very flexible and accessible with the uprise of cloud-native technologies. Whether it is in public or private clouds, I can help you master the tools and techniques to make your transition to automated infrastructure successful.

My Favourite Technologies